Quellenangaben: Innovationen bei der Thromboseprophylaxe- und Behandlung

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[4] Cohen, A. T.; Davidson, B. L.; Gallus, A. S.; Lassen, M. R.; Prins, M. H.; Tomkowski, W.; Turpie, A. G.; Egberts, J. F.; Lensing, A. W. und CN- ARTEMIS, I. nvestigators.: Efficacy and safety of fondaparinux for the prevention of venous thromboembolism in older acute medical patients: randomised placebo controlled trial. BMJ, 2006, 332(7537), S.325-329

[5] Anderson, J. L.; Adams, C. D.; Antman, E. M.; Bridges, C. R.; Califf, R. M.; Casey DE, J. r.; Chavey WE, 2. nd.; Fesmire, F. M.; Hochman, J. S.; Levin, T. N.; Lincoff, A. M.; Peterson, E. D.; Theroux, P.; Wenger, N. K.; Wright, R. S. und Smith SC, J. r.: ACC/AHA 2007 guidelines for the management of patients with unstable angina/non-ST-Elevation myocardial infarction: a report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines (Writing Committee to Revi. J Am Coll Cardiol, 2007, 50(7), S.e1-e157

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[8] Buller, H. R.; Davidson, B. L.; Decousus, H.; Gallus, A.; Gent, M.; Piovella, F.; Prins, M. H.; Raskob, G.; Segers, A. E.; Cariou, R.; Leeuwenkamp, O.; Lensing, A. W. und CN- Matisse, I. nvestigators.: Fondaparinux or enoxaparin for the initial treatment of symptomatic deep venous thrombosis: a randomized trial. Ann Intern Med, 2004, 140(11), S.867-873

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[10] Thielicke, Robert: Heparin-Skandal: Tod bewusst in Kauf genommen. URL: http://www.focus.de/gesundheit/arzt_medikamente/
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